Tetractys (2020)



  1. The First Protozoan Decides

  2. Collective Cartography

  3. Paratext

  4. Down the Barrel of Eternity

Tetractys​ is Metamyther's second album, a follow-up of 2019's ​Triumvirs​. Metamyther is an experimental electronic music project that explores songs developing along three distinct movements, drawing from synthwave and industrial as much as it pulls from the teachings of classical forms. ​Tetractys​ features four cinematic epics, kicking off with the dark and orchestral "The First Protozoan Decides," moving into the unsettling dubstep dream of "Collective Cartography," through the blistering soul of "Paratext," and finally unwinds with the crunchy catharsis of "Down the Barrel of Eternity."

Tetractys f​inds Kneschke inspired equally by three-act narrative and classical music forms, leading him to shun the expected verse-chorus format. The album, much like his first effort, are both modelled after triangular figures, pointing to the tripartite nature of the songs, though ​Tetractys​ iterates upon the concept. The occult mathematical figure of the tetractys, a triangle consisting of ten points, served as the inspiration, and the four tracks parallel Joseph Campbell's four functions of myth (mystical, sociological, pedagogical, and cosmological).

"I wanted the entire album to feel overwhelmingly epic, like it was engulfing the listener," Kneschke says. To match that level of intensity, each of the four sagas on ​Tetractys​ are about monumental topics: the birth and struggle of life itself, the peculiar nature of humanity's shared dreams, the aura that exists outside of a work of art that exerts influence upon it, the waxing and waning of entire universes in a moment. Kneschke is hard at work on his next album, which will conclude this conceptual trilogy.